Disciple Driven Church Training Center and Incubator
Training Missionaries to America in New Testament Church leadership and function
Offering Certification courses in New Testament Christianity and New Testament Church Leadership.
Graduates qualify to apply to become missionaries to America sponsored by Sun Ministries for the purpose of forming Disciple Driven Churches and multiplying disciples.
The Disciple Driven Church incubator offers a place to explore, grow and train to be a part of a New Tesament church gathering.
For more information please use the links below.
Certification Courses - 
New Testament Christianity
New Testament Church Leadership

Introducing the Disciple Driven Church Training Center

Why a Seminary Alternative is Needed

Disciple Driven Church Incubator

Training people how to follow the Bible's instruction for New Testament Church. 

The incubator gives you the opportunity to participate in a New Testament church gathering and experience what it is like to follow the organic flow of the church as it is outlined in the Bible. There is no institution or corporate structure. Our goal is to train, empower and release people to follow God's design and get free from the grip of institutional religion.

The incubator is open to all followers of Christ. We meet in a family friendly way where all ages gather together and share in the worship of God. Each gathering starts with a time of equipping and ends with a communion meal. After that we go out and serve the world, preaching the Gospel and loving people.

To see gathering times and locations, visit the events page.